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South Australian Produce Market supports growers in the third year of the Hailstorm Heroes campaign

Hailstorm Heroes

The South Australian Produce Market Limited (SAPML), South Australia’s only wholesale market, is launching the Hailstorm Heroes campaign for the start of the apple and pear season in the Adelaide Central Market, this weekend, with the help of local growers and traders.

Last November, a severe hailstorm hit the Adelaide Hills impacting apples as they were just beginning to grow.

Eighty-five per cent of the state’s apple crop is grown in the Adelaide Hills and all apple orchards sustained some damage during the widespread storm.

Chief Executive Officer of SAPML, Mr. Angelo Demasi, said the Hailstorm Heroes campaign was created to inform consumers of the reason behind marked fruit to ensure growers can receive some return for their hard work.

“Growers work very hard to provide the best tasting produce to consumers, however, there are times when the weather affects the appearance of the produce.

“There may be some superficial marks on the skin, but the fruit is still delicious and nutritious on the inside and great to eat.

“It’s great to see consumers getting behind the Hailstorm Heroes campaign and supporting local growers to ensure they can keep growing in the future,” Mr Demasi said.

Chief Executive Officer of Apple & Pear Growers Association of SA, Ms. Susie Green, said that all apple varieties were impacted, and is hoping the public will get behind the industry during this time.
“Last year South Australians consumed more than 1000 tonnes of Hailstorm Hero fruit, helping growers salvage some returns for their crop.

“The South Australian apple industry is still adding up the full cost of damages from the 2017 hailstorm but estimates place losses at around $32 million.

“It is expected losses from the most recent hailstorm will be similar, with many growers expecting to lose 50 per cent to 70 per cent of their income.

“This year it’s even more important to support local growers,” said Ms. Green.

Royal Galas will be the first Hailstorm Heroes at independent retailers, available this week.

However, all apple varieties have been impacted and the superficial marks may be more visible on varieties that are picked in late Autumn, like your Pink Lady and Granny Smith apples.

Event Details: Hailstorm Heroes Launch
Where: Adelaide Central Market
When: Saturday 23rd March from 9:30am-12:30pm

Susie Green – CEO, Apple and Pear Growers Association of SA: 0417 451 999 or
Nadia Boscaini – Marketing Coordinator: 0408 877 797 or

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