South Australian Produce Market working with PIRSA on fruit fly outbreak

The South Australian Produce Market (SAPM) are working with PIRSA to notify retailers
and wholesalers about the fruit fly outbreak in West Hindmarsh.
Biosecurity SA declared an outbreak of Queensland fruit fly (Q-fly) in West Hindmarsh following the discovery of a gravid (with eggs) female in the area on Monday, 8 January.
A 1.5km outbreak area has been established around the detection point and quarantine restrictions apply.
Mr. Angelo Demasi, Chief Executive Officer of SAPM, said the South Australian Produce Market will assist PIRSA to make sure support and information can be provided to wholesalers and retailers.
“We have notified wholesalers and retailers within the SA Produce Market about the issue and are working with them and PIRSA to ensure the procedures set in place are followed.
“The South Australian Produce Market remains fruit fly free and is outside the 15km suspension zone and is taking the necessary precautions to ensure it remains as such.
“An outbreak of fruit fly hasn’t occurred in South Australian since 2016 so we will do everything necessary to ensure we continue to maintain fruit fly free status.
“Consumers should continue to shop at their local and independent fruit and vegetable retailer that source their produce from the South Australian Produce Market,” said Mr Demasi.
Executive Director, Biosecurity SA Will Zacharin said staff have commenced an eradication program aimed at eliminating any fruit flies from the outbreak area and nearby surrounds.
“Residents and businesses within the outbreak area will be receiving information from Biosecurity SA about the outbreak and associated quarantine, detailing what part they can play in preventing its spread.
“An organic bait spotting program will be undertaken with staff also concentrating on the removal of fallen fruit from properties within the affected 200m outbreak zone area.
“Queensland fruit fly doesn’t normally exist in South Australia and must have been brought into our state from infested fruit originating from the eastern states.
At this stage, if no further wild flies or larvae are detected it is anticipated that the quarantine in West Hindmarsh will be lifted from 12 March 2018. For more information, visit www.pir.sa.gov.au/fruitfly
About the South Australian Produce Market:
The South Australian Produce Market is South Australia’s primary fresh produce wholesale market. Over 250,000 tonnes of fresh produce is traded between our 45 wholesalers, 60 growers and hundreds of retail operators each year, worth an estimated wholesale value of $550 million.
Angelo Demasi – CEO, South Australian Produce Market: 0417 835 340 or angelode@saproducemarket.com.au
Nadia Boscaini – Marketing, Events and Promotions Coordinator: 0408 877 797