October 30 In Season at the Market
Buying and eating in season produce is good for your nutrition and helps the economy, our seasonal updates are here to lend a hand.
Let us inspire you with just a few of the fresh, locally grown produce now in season at the South Australia Produce Market that you will find at your local fruit and veg store.
New season “early sweet” cherries are appearing in the market. These beautiful tasting cherries, grown in the Riverland are sweet and juicy, which is fantastic considering they are the first of the season. Aussie cherries are in supply from November through to the end of February and are the quintessential summer fruit. You know Christmas is near when you find these shiny red bursts of goodness in your local fruit and veg store. Not only are cherries great tasting but you can also enjoy the health benefits as they are a good source of vitamin C, potassium, and fibre to name a few. Be sure to enjoy delicious cherries while they are in season.
White Nectarines
As South Australian stone fruits have started to roll in from the Riverland you will now find great tasting white nectarines in the market and fruit & veg stores. White nectarines feel heavy for their size, give slightly under pressure, and emit a fragrant aroma when ripe. White nectarines have a delicate, sweet flavour best suited for fresh eating but can also be chopped into salsa, mixed into yogurt and cereal, used as a fresh topping over desserts, incorporated into fruit salad, or stirred into grain bowls. Be sure to look out for new season white nectarines, add them to your fruit bowl at home over the spring/summer season for the whole family to enjoy!

Spooky Pineapples
Halloween is not just about carving pumpkins, but pineapples also make a great fruit for carving. Look out in stores for the specially marked “Spooky Pines” which you have the added benefit of enjoying the sweet, juicy flesh as a healthy snack and then enjoy some fun with the kids for the carving – this is a great way to avoid food wastage so incorporate pineapples as the “Spooky Fruit” for Halloween. Enjoy this sweet and refreshing fruit as a healthy snack for the whole family.
Halloween Pumpkins
Halloween pumpkins are a field pumpkin which are best used for carving Jack-o’-lanterns. These pumpkins are characterised by having a thin skin for easy carving and a very hard, dark green hooked stem, which you can use as a handle. These pumpkins typically used for jack-o’-lanterns usually are larger, with stringier pulp and more watery flesh. Although the carving pumpkin is edible, it will probably be tougher, stringier, less sweet and just generally less flavoursome. What a fun way to get the kids involved in the spooky, Halloween vibe with pumpkin carving – be creative and have fun!
You’ll find the best produce inside your local independent fruit & veg stores. Locate your closest store here.And don’t forget to check out Pick a Local, Pick SA Facebook page for the latest news from your local fresh produce experts.