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October 3 In Season at the Market

Buying and eating in season produce is good for your nutrition and helps the economy, our seasonal updates are here to lend a hand.

Let us inspire you with just a few of the fresh, locally grown produce now in season at the South Australia Produce Market that you will find at your local fruit and veg store. 

Edible Flowers

This week at the market we spotted these colourful edible flowers, a delightful fusion of culinary art and nature’s bounty. These vibrant blooms not only captivate the eyes with their kaleidoscope of colours but also tantalize the taste buds, offering a unique and diverse range of flavours. From the delicate sweetness of violets to the peppery zing of nasturtiums, edible flowers provide chefs and home cooks alike with a creative palette to elevate dishes to new heights. Beyond their aesthetic appeal, many of these blossoms boast nutritional benefits, packed with vitamins, antioxidants, and other health-promoting compounds.


Coriander is a herb that divides a dinner party faster than a discussion on politics! You either love it or you hate it!  For those that enjoy Vietnamese cooking Coriander is a staple and adds a burst of flavour to your Vietnamese Roll. For those that enjoy Mexican food – add a little coriander to your salsa and we promise you won’t be disappointed. Grown right here in the Northern Adelaide Plains there is a great supply of SA grown available right now.


The first picks of South Australian grown strawberries have started to arrive at the markets and we could not be more excited.  South Australia has perfect growing conditions for sweet tasting strawberries and the season has started early this year with some great new varieties being grown. Local supplies will start to increase in the next few weeks and by the end of October will be in peak supply for the summer months.


Although not grown here in South Australia supplies of mangoes have arrived into the produce market in time for the weather warming up.  Whether eaten fresh, blended into smoothies, diced into salsas, or transformed into refreshing sorbets, mangoes are a versatile ingredient that brings a tropical flair to a myriad of dishes. Look for the new season varieties hitting fruit and veg store shelves this week.

You’ll find the best produce inside your local independent fruit & veg stores. Locate your closest store here.And don’t forget to check out Pick a Local, Pick SA Facebook page for the latest news from your local fresh produce experts.