Ms Joanna Andrew Appointed Chairperson of South Australian Produce Market Limited Board
After an extensive search attracting a highly competitive pool of applicants, South Australian Produce Market Limited (SAPML) is pleased to announce the appointment of Ms Joanna Andrew as Chairperson of the SAPML Board and Mr Michael Ruggiero as Vice Chairperson.
Ms Andrew’s casual appointment is made until the next Annual General Meeting which is scheduled for November 2020 where the Independent Director position will be voted upon for a three-year term.
The inaugural female Chair of the SAPML Board, Ms Andrew brings with her a wealth of experience as a legal practitioner being a Partner with Mellor Olsson and having vast experience in both Corporate Governance and the Agricultural industry. Raised in the Riverland on a grape and citrus property, Ms Andrew became a partner in the South Australian legal firm Mellor Olsson at the age of 28 and was an InDaily 40 Under 40 Award Winner in 2018.
Previous Directorship appointments have included Chairperson of the Australian Vignerons, Director at Adelaide University Business School, Chairperson of the Brain injury Network of SA, Non-Executive Director at Adelaide Mt Lofty NRM and various other Not For Profits.
We are delighted that Mr Nic Minicozzi will continue as an Independent Director on the SAPML Board. Mr Minicozzi was appointed a Director in 2000 and Deputy Chairman in 2003. He has been Acting Chair since 2019. We would like to thank Mr Minicozzi for his ongoing dedication and commitment to the Market community and the Company.