May 13 In Season at the Market
Buying and eating in season produce is good for your nutrition and helps the economy, our seasonal updates are here to lend a hand.
Let us inspire you with just a few of the fresh, locally grown produce now in season at the South Australia Produce Market that you will find at your local fruit and veg store.
Navel Oranges
With the official start of the South Australian citrus season, new season Navel oranges are fresh off the tree and these sweet, juicy oranges are ready to be enjoyed by the whole family. What a better way to get a tasty boost of vitamin C with winter fast approaching. Navel oranges not only can be enjoyed on their own as a healthy snack, but they can also be enjoyed in savoury or dessert recipes. Be sure to grab some from your local fruit and veg store and include these sweet, juicy oranges to lunch boxes to give the whole family an immunity boost.
Dutch Cream Potatoes
Dutch Cream potatoes, which were originated from Holland (as the name suggests), are now one of Australia’s most loved potatoes as they are a large, waxy, oval potato with yellow flesh, thin skin and a rich, buttery taste. This variety make fantastic mash or are equally delicious boiled, roasted, baked and pureed. Being considered a “waxy” potato, this variety is low in starch so is worth considering if you’re looking to lower your calorie intake. Be sure to add this variety to your shopping basket to make delicious mash to add to your hearty meals.
Satsuma Mandarins
At the market, we are seeing Riverland grown Satsuma mandarins and these juicy, sweet, easy to peel mandarins are the perfect snack. The segments have a slightly tangy taste and are mostly seedless which is great for kids lunch boxes. Peak season for Satsumas are early Autumn through to winter and are an excellent source of immune boosting vitamin C. These tasty delights can be enjoyed on their own or added to fruit salads, savoury dishes and desserts. Just as a point of interest – South Australia’s Riverland is a large growing region of citrus nationally and represents around a third of the national crop!
Red Brussels Sprouts
We are starting to see new season Red Brussels Sprouts appear in the market. These Brussels Sprouts are known for their attractive purple hue which is created by the natural pigment of anthocyan and they retain their colour even when steamed, boiled or roasted. These red sprouts have a mild, sweeter flavour than traditional green sprout varieties which may be a good thing for the family to try this controversial veggie. Why not add a “pop of purple” to your next hearty meal and try red Brussels Sprouts roasted in the oven drizzled with olive oil and seasoned with salt and pepper.
You’ll find the best produce inside your local independent fruit & veg stores. Locate your closest store here.And don’t forget to check out Pick a Local, Pick SA Facebook page for the latest news from your local fresh produce experts.