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January 22 In Season at the Market

Buying and eating in season produce is good for your nutrition and helps the economy, our seasonal updates are here to lend a hand.

Let us inspire you with just a few of the fresh, locally grown produce now in season at the South Australia Produce Market that you will find at your local fruit and veg store.

Reed Avocados

Reed avocados are a large, round variety which is larger than most avocados and maintain their vibrant green colour skin when ripe.  The flesh is bright yellow-green and has a rich creamy taste which is considered more robust with a nutty undertone.  This variety of avocado is popular made into guacamole & sprinkled with lemon juice and sea salt, added to creamy dips, or sliced and tossed into salads and grain bowls. Reed avocados can also be layered into wraps, smashed onto burgers, added to sushi, or incorporated into various savoury breakfast dishes.



The versatile zucchini is great to include in any hearty meal which can include vegetarian lasagne, soups, stirfrys, fritters and slices.  The health benefits of the zucchini boasts to be rich in vitamin B6 which suggests to help with regulating blood glucose and as they are low in calories but rich in water and fibre, they are great for gut health.  Be sure to add zucchini’s to your shopping basket to include in your gourmet cooking adventures.




It is great to see a steady supply of capsicums in the South Australian Produce Market. Believe it or not, there is technically no difference between a red, green, orange, or yellow capsicum. Capsicums always start off green, turn yellow, then orange, and finally red; each stage of ripeness holds different flavours and uses in the kitchen. Capsicums are mistakenly labelled as a vegetable but are in reality a fruit as they bear seeds and grow on flowering plants. Enjoy these beautiful, crisp, juicy capsicums in your healthy salad or try stuffed capsicum for a hot alternative.



How delicious are nectarines?  Grown in the Riverland, these sweet tasting, juicy stone fruits are rich in colour with a smooth edible skin and are in season from October to April.  Nectarines are versatile as they can be enjoyed on their own as a healthy snack but also in sweet and savoury dishes or add a pop of colour and sweetness to salads.  Look out for delicious nectarines, either yellow or white, in your local fruit and veg store this Summer to add to your fruit bowl.


You’ll find the best produce inside your local independent fruit & veg stores. Locate your closest store here.And don’t forget to check out Pick a Local, Pick SA Facebook page for the latest news from your local fresh produce experts.