COVID vaccine hub announced for South Australian Produce Market

COVID Vaccine Hub Bookings and Enquiries
The clinic opened September 21 – and converted to a drive through clinic in November 2021. More than 13, 300 vaccinations were distributed through the Pooraka clinic before it was closed on Friday January 28.
For alternative vaccination sites in the north, please visit the SA Health website.
COVID vaccine hub announced for South Australian Produce Market
The South Australian Produce Market, located north of the city at Pooraka, will host a pop up COVID vaccine clinic in a bid to provide greater accessibility to the Horticultural industry workforce, transport and logistics, shift workers and the broader northern community.
The market, a wholesale distribution centre for fresh produce in South Australia, is frequented by some 2000+ workers every day including delivery drivers and shift workers. The satellite clinic will provide a connector to the workforce at the site as well as the greater northern community.
“The horticultural industry includes some 3,500 business, 13,500 permanent employees and 24,000 seasonal workers.” Angelo Demasi, South Australian Produce Market CEO, said. “We are delighted to work with the government to provide a central hub to facilitate an outreach to this community.”
The 22 hectare site is a hive of activity from 8pm to 8am, operational six days a week, however is much unused during normal business hours. The Market site lended itself to an ideal location for a pop-up vaccine clinic.
The South Australian Produce Market will also partner with SA Health to communicate the importance for our Horticultural community in being vaccinated. Several campaigns targeting workers at the Market, shift workers and regional workforce will be conducted to include information and Q&A sessions to address concerns and commonly asked questions.
The Market Vaccine Hub is due to be operational by 21 September. Bookings for this facility available here.
MEDIA Contacts:
Angelo Demasi – CEO, South Australian Produce Market: 0417 835 340 or angelode@saproducemarket.com.au
Penny Reidy – Marketing Manager South Australian Produce Market 0408 877 797 penny@saproducemarket.com.au