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$8,000 raised at annual Hero For Heartkids Event

While the rest of us were still sleeping, the South Australia Produce Market, alongside Drakes Supermarkets, were heroes for HeartKids on ‘Be A Hero for HeartKids’ day, hosting an event which raised $8,000 for those affected by congenital or childhood acquired heart disease.

Trucks are common place at the market but on Friday 17 June, Batman parked the batmobile, alongside Captain America’s prime mover, ensuring they were ready to handle any escapades that come their way.

Well before most of us start our day, the fruit and vegetable wholesale market community are ending theirs. But on Friday, instead of heading home, they participated in a Heroes BBQ, raising awareness of the prevalence of congenital heart disease in Australia and turning the humble snag into funds to help HeartKids deliver much needed services and support programs.

Those affected by childhood heart disease fight their own battle for survival and rely on the many services that HeartKids provides. Every day in Australia there are eight children born with a heart defect, which means there is a family every three hours whose life will change in a heartbeat, and sadly four lives will be lost each week.

“The South Australian Produce Market is delighted to support HeartKids in their quest to recognise and support the true superheroes – the children and families that have been impacted by congenital heart disease,” said Angelo Demasi, South Australian Produce Market Chief Executive Officer.

HeartKids is the only national not-for-profit organisation solely focused on supporting and advocating for people impacted by childhood heart disease (CHD), one of the largest causes of infant death in Australia.

A full album of photos from the morning’s event can be found on the SA Produce Market Facebook page. 

Heartkids Batman Event SA Produce Market Heartkids BBQ SA Produce Market