2025 SA Produce Market International Women’s Day Breakfast

The South Australian Produce Market is delighted to invite the women of the market community to join us for our second annual International Women’s Day Breakfast to be held in Josie’s Cafe at 8am Thursday March 6, 2025..

Breakfast and Coffee/Tea Provided.

Guest Speaker Meagan Mercurio, Bache Bros

The Courage to Re-Invent

We are born for re-invention, we are here to be changed and to make change, not remain static. But how can this instinctive behaviour help us achieve equality and #AccelerateAction?

Meagan Mercurio has moved through a number of significant career and life changes; from careers in Forensic Science, to Wine Chemistry, IP commercialisation, then re-joining the family business Bache Bros Pty Ltd. Meagan will take some time to outline her journey and reflect on how the courage to “re-invent” herself, her environment and her own thought process has enabled success and accelerated action in her community.

Door Prize – $50 Voucher for Thirty Five Stirling and Gift Bags.

Water supplied and donated by Acqua Filette.

Juice supplied and donated by Ashton Valley Fresh.

International Women's Day Breakfast 2025

International Women's Day Breakfast 2025

Complimentary for invited guests of the market community (up to 2 per store) $30 per person for additional/external guests.

Limited to 50 attendees - Please Book to secure a seat